Splinter Heads Unite

What is a Splinter Head?
A splinter head is a preferred type of customer!!! A hard core lover of hand made goodies, and those that are forever in our hearts for the support they have given us in the past and in the future! Always in the front of the line, Always recognized for their support and always favored as the highest priorities of our customers.
-10% off on all orders
-Special Secret Discount codes
-Exclusive Splinter Head only Merch (Coming Soon)
-Exclusive Splinter Head only Giveaways
-and anything else we can think of going forward!!

How do I become a Splinter Head?
Like us on Facebook
Follow us on Instagram
Use the hashtag #Yorkwoodworks_splinterhead
Send us a pic via the website, Instagram or Facebook of you or you and your Yorkwood Works Product
You will then be immortalized on our website when we put your pic up in our Splinter Head hall of fame. You will also be assigned an individual Splinter Head number letting all who follow know how important you are.

Splinter head 001 Smithville Berzerker of the highest order. This splinter head has been there since day #1. Always willing to help fix stuff, giving me used tools, showing up with copious amounts of liquid beverages after a hard day and living by the motto "Never Surrender". Here he is holding one of the Original Chaotic Butcher Blocks chocked full of Maple, Sycamore, Black Walnut and Cherry. Also the proud owner of the only York Wood Works Pizza Shovel and extremely limited edition Chestnut Charcuterie Board. You Da Man Brother!!!

Splinterhead 002 Mini Berzerker!!! Step Daughter rocking a Black Eye on Graduation day courtesy of a rugby game. The definition of toughness. Love this kid with all my heart!

Spinterhead 003 My Brother from another mother!! Consultant on every bright idea I have ever had. The voice of reason and owner of a YWW butcher block, Charcuterie Board and Cutting Board.

Spinterhead 004 Indiana Pete--Another Brother from another Mother. Known for driving from the Western Boarder of Indiana, Slamming some IPA and shoveling and entire board of Charcuterie down his gullet. Owner of the pictured Charcuterie Board!!!

Splinterhead 6 Paul and Nikki--Original Customers and proud owners of several charcuterie boards, a most massive Butcher Block and the Original Live Edge Bar Top and even more Massive Oak Mirror Frame. Providers of many thirst quenching beers and the ultimate hosts.

Splinterhead 7 Casey and Heather--Extreme Supporters and owners of the one and only Pierogi Board, Live Edge Cheese Board and Charcuterie Board. Have entrusted us with Custom requests and gifts. Hardcore Supporters and awesome human beings!!

Splinterhead 8--Brother Dave---Always a source of inspiration and provider of the most awesome drill press a shop could wish for. Owner of an Original all Maple Butcher Block and Black Walnut Charcuterie Board.